Friday, March 25, 2011

"One Duck Hunter's Photo Journal"

***I HAVE A SMALL FAVOR TO ASK - tell anyone you know who enjoys hunting, fishing, cooking, dog training, photography, and anything else concerning the outdoors about 8 GAUGE STUDIOS.  Tell them to bookmark us and check often.  I'm hoping to change the format here soon, in order to make it more user/reader friendly - THANKS***

Below is nothing more than a compilation of photos from 2005 up to the 2009 hunting seasons.  The duck season photos/stories that make up the 2010-2011 year are being posted as articles are written for 8 GAUGE STUDIOS.

A very good place to start, and an adventure I'll never forget would be here: Nova Scotia Sea Duck Hunting from a Sink Box

one of my favorite photos i've ever taken - HRCH EIGHT GAUGE'S MOUNTAIN MAN - Trapper

the old man - HRCH HARRISON'S EIGHT GAUGE - Gauge, at the "pan field pit"

Gauge with a blue that pat pitt - incredibly long retrieve that i'll never forget

Trapper retrieving a late season shoveler - folks will get down right tester over a fully tuxedo'ed bootlip

just an old meat dog - "hunting"

and "finding"

"The Eyes Have it" - Gauge

Gauge saying, "dude, pick up the damn gun"

a late season limit.....that happened day, after day, after day, after day...

Trapper the next day

"Solid bag"

"Spilling Over"


River hunt with John Eddleman

"An Old Call"

One of the most memorable sunrises i can remember in a long time

another good 'un

me and marty collins in his shop, holding his hand chopped eiders as part of the "Cranberry Rig" he shared with another carver - Keith Mueller

a "wing" as part of an old sink box, seen in mary's shop - i only thought this would be the first/last one i had ever seen

a Joe Lincoln slate decoy - VERY valuable - and who marty relates his carving too most often

last look around the shop..........

...........before we kill eiders!!!!!!!!!!

Me and Ramsey with a first days limit of eiders

yes, that's ramsey holding up HIS banded eider

a COLD and WET day 2

better day 2 photo

me and ramsey with a limit of atlantic brant and a story too big for the 'net'

me and gauge, along the "missouri breaks", montana - 2005

Montana mallards and Golden Eyes



good day in big sky

The gateway to the "Little Rockies" - where "Liver Eatin' Johnson (i.e. Jeremiah Johnson) made his name

temp was negative 8, we hunted a hot spring and shot them in the lips

good as gold

ramsey stealing my thunder

the Willow Break teal "to do"

my journal reads i was hunting with patrick pitt at number 9.....and, if was one of the coldest days i can remember.........north wind was biting

Me and Pat Pitt in the grass near number 9 at our camp L'anguille Lounge Duck Club

in that photo somewhere is a banded mallard that pat shot.......we almost had a black duck commit that day, and i've seen few pure mallard hunts that would rival the above EVER. often i've said it and i'll say it again but pat pitt could kill a banded duck on the bread isle at kroger - the man has to have a gold horse shoe shoved up his butt!

several years ago, this was trappers first hunt. the jounal reads i hunted at brietz with ramsey and it was FOGGY. limit of ducks and specks with several snows thrown in

good day to be at l'anguille lounge

january 10th at l'anguille. i was suffering from the most unreal food poisoning of all time but managed this one shot...........on a bird that should have been in mexico by then

curious case of mistaken identities

gauge gives it 2 thumbs up

one state - missouri, 5 minutes, 2 bands

Missouri with the good Dr. Zerrer


first harlequin

first harlie.............first time surfing an ice berg

Barrows Golden Eye - a favorite


the utah bunch, tony and kevin, with a 2nd year king eider drake shot from a layout in valdez

harlies shot over my own blocks

me with a black scoter and oldsquaw

Alaska - go figure

my harlequin and barrows blocks taking a rest

me and kris schaumburg on one of the most righteous points for decoying sea ducks i've ever seen....meanwhile gordon and doc Z where limiting on harlequin

doc Z with some surf scoters

doc Z with one of his harlequin

me with a couple harlequin

and lastly, i'll say this hunt up in alaska has been one of my favorites i've ever been on. we met a drunk gordon in anchorage and true to form he didn't shut up..............and, we had a ball......

the last photo sits proudly in my office and is titled simply - "Pals" - left to right, gordon, me, kris schaumburg, doc Z

Hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane, again, PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT 8 GAUGE STUDIOS!

Have a great weekend, Justin

1 comment:

KevinMontag said...

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