Thursday, January 27, 2011

"L'anguille Lounge and My Last Hunt"

The last hunt of the season is always bitter sweet for me.  I typically find myself with a few friends for the occasion, and spend much of the time reflecting over the season.  I always think about the good hunts and bad ones, the retrieves and the birds, this year being no exception.  This year I got to spend the last couple of hunts at the one place I hadn't made a hunt on this year - L'anguille Lounge Duck Club.  My time spent there is always an enjoyable time, if not for the birds, for the time spent with people I've come to know as great friends.

This year I had in my mind I wanted to do a few things via my hunts and over the internet.  I wanted to honor the tradition and heritage of the hunt as well as possible and I also wanted to highlight the friendships that are forged through the hunt and all that goes into wild game pursuits.  The photo below really fits the bill:

Left to right: me, Patrick and Stephen Pitt with a limit of mallards in Riley East

The "pickin' shed"

Trapper - photo courtesy of Kjartan "Fred" Lorange

Me and Trapper - photo courtesy of Kjartan "Fred" Lorange

Me, Trapper, and our last bird of the year (Drake Pintail) - photo courtesy of Kjartan "Fred" Lorange

I've often said, you can search as long as you'd like, but you will not find any aspect of life (short of military service) that creates friendships and bonds the way sharing the outdoors does. This past weekend proved that to me once again. I had never met the Pitt's friend from Iceland, Kjartan. But after a few drinks and stories, I realized what a unique and interesting character I was dealing with, what a great friend I had made. I'm pretty sure I made up some interesting names for my buddy Kjartan, but I've decided to settle on "Fred". It's just easer for me.

Fred, if you read this, it was a pleasure hunting with you and discussing the hunting over in Iceland. Hope to see you again someday!

***My apologies but my computer is acting up and I can't access my photos right now. Please, check back tonight as I'll post up a photo of the "Arctic Coonass" himself***

Hope you enjoy, please check back often, Justin


brandon said...


I always enjoy your pics and blogs.
Wheather im in the far east of the china sea or the gulf of mexico drilling for oil, your pics and stories bring me back to the duck blind.
Thanks again,
Brandon Palmertre
AKA quackheadbp

Keith said...

Great post my friend!